The coursework element of the I.B. Economics course makes up twenty per cent for HL students, and 30 per cent for HL students of your final grade. There is no reason why you should not attain most all of these marks if you are willing to work hard and follow the advice on these blog pages.
Each student must write three economics commentaries over the duration of the course. Each commentary is a 800-word mini-essay based upon a news article about an economic issue. The three commentaries are then put together to make up a portfolio at the end of the course. The portfolio is then graded as a whole. Students could write more than three commentaries, but by the end of the course, they have to hand in three. (I for example, always get my students to do four, the first one being a practice one). Each commentary must be based upon three of the four sections of the course – Unit 2 – Microeconomics, Unit 3 – Macroeconomics, and Unit 4 – The Global Economy. My students usually base their commentaries on the theory that we have just covered in the class. For example, if we have not yet done the International Economics section, then I advise my students not to tackle a commentary on International Economics concepts and theories until we have covered the topic.
Each one of the articles should link to one of the ‘key economic’ concepts that run throughout the course. As they discuss the article, students should make constant references and links to their chosen ‘key concept’.
Both SL and HL students have to produce the same number of commentaries, three, but the HL students could base their commentaries on some of the HL content and theory, which the SL students don’t cover.